Moody McCarthy is a stand-up comedian who has performed on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Conan, and the Letterman Show. He lives in New York City with his wife and two wee lasses.
Moody has performed at the best clubs in the land and can be heard on SiriusXM. He’s also been featured on America’s Got Talent and Last Comic Standing, but gets asked more about his “House Hunters” episode.
Moody was born “Matthew” into a big Irish family where – by law – someone gets a nickname. He began doing comedy in Upstate New York in the 1900s, and covered sports on Syracuse’s top radio show before moving to New York City.
Moody’s material is described as original but universal, and smart without being trite. Couple that with a disarming stage presence & in-the-moment chops, you’ll see why he’s earned the admiration of his peers for his ability to “go up cold”. Corporate outings, fundraisers, private parties – you name it, this versatile performer will brighten any event.
Moody McCarthy: few people hate him!
New Jersey Stand-Up Comedian … Robin Fox Spent 17 years as a full-time mom and dieting. Then one day, Robin gave up dieting and decided to make her life long dream of being a comedian a reality. Today she is happier than she can ever remember and will never look back! Original and funny, she talks from her heart about the frustrations of suburban living, marriage, and raising a family. No longer is she willing to just be the funniest mom on her New Jersey cul-de-sac. This New Jersey mom is now a regular on the comedy scene playing at the top clubs in NYC and surrounding areas.
Host: Avery Rosenfeld & Marcy Salwen and Lorraine Tessmer